Empowering the Aviation Industry with High-Quality Support Equipment​​
60KVA Diesel Generator AC 400HZ and 28VDC Power Units
Portable Hydraulic Power Supply
​Diesel engine-driven with specifications like PSI and GPM details.
Highlight: Multi-Function Aircraft Ground Power Unit (MFAGPU):
All-in-one design with computer-controlled touch screen interface.
Flexibility for supporting a mix of aircraft requirements.
Key specifications and modularity options.
MACHTU Modular Systems:
Overview of MACHTU-Ded, MACHTU-Air, and MACHTU-TRU modules.
Features like hydraulic and electric output, towability, and touch screen interfaces.
Portable Hydraulic Fluid Purification Units:
Details of US Navy-standard hydraulic fluid purifiers.
Removal capabilities: water, gases, and particulate contamination.
Fluid Servicing Units
Hydraulic fluid, engine oil, transmission fluid, and rotor fluid servicing units.